The great Sphinx
Walt: research and write story about the great Sphinx.
The great Sphinx was made out of limestone and is just below the great pyramid of Giza. The Sphinx represents a humans head and a lions body. The Sphinx has stand its ground in Egypt for over 4500 years.
The name Sphinx came from a Greek myth that had a woman's head on a lions body. The head and the body put together means that it is intelligent and strong. The Egyptians call it Abu El Hol.
The length of the body and the paws put together is 242 feet long. From the paws to the top of the head is 66 feet tall.
It is believed that King Khufu's son, King Khafra, built the great pyramid and the Sphinx. King Khafra built the second pyramid in Giza. The pyramid is smaller than his fathers (king Khufu) but bigger than the third pyramid. The Sphinx sits beside the valley temple of Khafras pyramid. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the Sphinx was a powerful god.
The face of the Sphinx has been damaged for a long time but you can still see the human face. The French used the Sphinx for target practice. The nose was shot of from the French. This legend is believed to be false. Others believe it was wind or sand that made the nose disappear.
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