
Thursday, 7 March 2013

My learning

Walt:fill in the missing shape in a pattern.

On study ladder I have been doing tasks. I have learnt  how to do long patterns and continue them.The strategy is to look at the first pattern and continue it. I think I need to learn more about drawing angles. I say that  angles are challenging for me. What is easy for me is guessing what the angle would measure and using the protractor.  

The thing I would need to learn next would be, how to add integers and knowing the new maths words for 3D shapes.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Clearissa, it seems like you are doing well at maths. I like your Walt you want to learn. Why do you want to learn that?

Anonymous said...

Hey Clearissa Why does learning so much to you

Anonymous said...

Thank you people for giving advice, well I would like to learn integers because I find it very challenging for me, things that are challenging for me is very hard to achieve. Thank you people again for commenting on my blog.

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