
Friday, 12 April 2013

Glen Innes school would love you

Walt: write in paragraphs.

Glen Innes School In Glen Innes School, it is a caring place where innovative children in a great environment have fun. I have been here for 8 years, ever since I was year 1, all the way to year 8. This school has taught me well. I have seen teachers come in and out of my school.

 My school is caring and loving in so many ways. If your child does not have any lunch now or then, and you’re having a problem, come and see the office. If your child has had an accident at school, we will supply plasters or anything they need. We do have a caring and loving school, to help you and your children.

 If your child loves swimming, you do not have to pay to use our pool. We also have G.I’s got talent, where everyone at our school has a chance to express their talent. We celebrate Race Relations day, where every single child goes onto the stage to represent their own culture, and we watched a movie to explain why we have race relations day.

 Our children are innovative and very original. This year our year 7 and 8’s are going to a sports camp,and it is not very often for much schools to go to sports camp. Our students have netbooks, and not many schools are apart of the manaiakalani system. Some children come up with there own new idea.

 So out of all of this information, and more, your child or your children will be learning in a great environment. The children will be kind and if not, they go to see the principal. If you want to come and see if this school works out well, you are always welcome to visit our school.


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